Call Logs Overview
SmarterTrack's call logging feature provides agents with the ability to track customer service and sales calls. By requiring agents to track their phone conversations, companies can help to eliminate calls from falling through the cracks and reduce the number of unresolved customer issues. In addition, managers can use call logs and their associated reports to determine the number of calls answered or placed per agent or group over a period of time. This helps them determine how much of an agent's workload is dedicated to calls, or to identify common phone complaints and their resolutions. In addition, if agents take more calls than live chats, it may be an indication that live chat isn't as present to customers and users as it should be, and more work needs to be done to how and where live chat is presented on the portal or on the business's website.
To access your call logs, log into the management interface with your agent account and select Call Logs from the Navigator.
Navigating SmarterTrack's Call Logs Interface
Agent Call Logs vs. Global Call Logs
The Call Logs section organizes all of the call logs for which an agent is responsible. When an agent clicks on My Call Logs in the navigation pane, their Incoming or Outgoing call logs will load in the content pane, depending on which tab is selected. (By default, the Incoming tab is selected.)
In addition, incoming and outgoing calls can be viewed by the department the agent belongs to. That means that every group the agent is active in will be listed and the agent can drill down into all incoming and/or outgoing calls for the department, or drill down into each group to see their incoming and outgoing call logs.
Administrators and managers who are members of multiple groups may want to view incoming or outgoing call logs for those groups to better evaluate the actual needs of the organization or to gain valuable insight into company operations. To view all call logs in SmarterTrack, the manager or administrator MUST be a member of all groups within SmarterTrack. At the very least, they need to be members of multiple groups in order to see call logs for those groups. Once this is done, they simply click All Call Logs in the navigation pane. They can further review call logs By Department and By Agent.
Regardless of whether you're accessing your own call logs or global call logs, the call logs in the system will load in the content pane when you open the respective call log section. In general, the following details will be available:
- Subject - An agent-generated phrase that usually describes the call log. Very long subject phrases are truncated.
- Phone Number (Name) - The phone number (if available) and name of the caller.
- Date and Time - The date and time the call started.
- Group - Agent - The group that is assigned to this call log and the agent who handled the call.
- Duration - The length of the call.
Performing Call Log Actions
In general, the following options are available from the content pane toolbar:
- Search - Allows the agent to search the call logs in the content pane.
- Sort - Sorts the list of call logs in ascending or descending order based on the selected option, such as start date, phone number, department, etc. Clicking on Reset Sort Order will return the sort order to its default status.
- Actions (…) - Click this button and select the appropriate option to transfer a call log or select all call logs.
- Select All - Selects all call logs.
- Transfer - Transfer the selected call log(s) to another group or agent. For more information, see Transferring Call Logs.
- Delete - Deletes the selected call log(s). For more information on deleted call logs, see Deleting Call Logs.