Community Knowledge Base

Installation Options

SmarterTrack is available as a traditional software installation or as a hosted service. Businesses that choose the traditional deployment of SmarterTrack can install the software onto a local or co-located server or in dedicated, VPS, and shared environments using the standard install download.

Note: Administrators planning to deploy SmarterTrack with failover functionality may have special considerations to make regarding installation. For more information, see SmarterTrack Failover Functionality.
Important: SQLite is designed for simplicity and efficiency, but for failover support, consider using MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server.

Installation on a Dedicated Server

For the purposes of the installation process, a "dedicated server" is any server a System Administrator has root access to. Examples of a dedicated server include a server that's hosted on premise, a server that's rented from a hosting company or ISP, a virtual machine that's hosted on a local machine or that's rented from a VPS host, etc. The location of the server doesn't matter. What matters is that the System Administrator has the ability to remote into the machine and manage it just as they would their own desktop. This is, by far, the most common installation type for SmarterTrack. Please refer to the Installing SmarterTrack page for step-by-step installation instructions for this environment.

Installation on a Shared Server

A less common installation type is installing SmarterTrack in a shared hosting environment. This means that you have FTP access to a hosting space, but you don't have access to IIS or root access to the server your SmarterTrack site is hosted on. You only have access to your space and your space alone. Step-by-step installation instructions for this environment are also available at the bottom of the Installing SmarterTrack page.

Activation on Hosted SmarterTrack

Customers using the hosted solution of SmarterTrack will have access to the application shortly after activating a free trial or purchasing a paid subscription. Because SmarterTrack is already installed on servers owned and maintained by SmarterTools, hosted service customers do not need to worry about installation. However, they will need to follow the instructions provided in their welcome messages to activate and set up their hosted site.