Live Chat Trend Reports
To access live chat reports, click the reports icon. Then expand Trend Reports and then Live Chat. The following live chat reports are available.
note: For information on the options available for each report listed, see the Reports Overview.
- Overview Trend - Shows an overall view of the organization's live chat usage over time. This report is useful because it provides managers with an at-a-glance view of the company and can help identify areas to investigate with more detailed reports.
- Incoming Messages Trend - Shows the details of incoming messages
of live chat sessions over time. This report is useful because it can identify if
chat sessions are getting more or less chatty over time.
note: This report only applies to live chat initiated by customers.
- Incoming Response Times Trend - Shows the amount of time customers
waited for a live chat response from agents over time. This report is useful because
it can help managers identify problem areas in which agents may be going too long
between messages.
note: This report only applies to live chats initiated by customers.
- Incoming Abandonment Trend - Shows the relationship between wait time in the queue and abandonment rates over time. This report is useful in forecasting when more agents may be needed or when max chat settings need to be adjusted to meet demand.
- Outgoing Messages Trend - Shows the details of outgoing messages
of live chat sessions over time.
note: This report only applies to live chats initiated by agents.
- Outgoing Response Times Trend - Shows the amount of time customers
wait for a live chat response from agents over time.
note: This report only applies to live chats initiated by agents.
- Outgoing Performance Trend - Shows the total number of live chat invitations sent, ignored, accepted, and
rejected for a specific department, group, or agent over time.
note: This report only applies to live chats initiated by agents.
- Outgoing Results Trend - Shows the results of live chat invitations initiated by agents.
Depending on the report selected, the following report items are available:
- Total Live Chats - The total number of live chat sessions that occurred during the time frame.
- Total Incoming Live Chats - The total number of live initiated from the portal or from chat links on a website.
- Total Outgoing Live Chats - The total number of live chat invitations sent by agents through Who's On.
- Average Time in Queue - The average amount of time a live chat sat in the queue prior to being assigned to, or taken by, an agent.
- Average Session Length - The average amount of time that a customer spent in a live chat.
- Average Response Time - The average amount of time before an agent replied to a live chat message.
- Live Chat Messages Received - The total number of messages received from customers.
- Live Chat Messages Sent - The total number of messages sent by agents.
- Average Messages Received Per Live Chat - The average number of messages received during a live chat session.
- Average Messages Sent Per Live Chat - The average number of messages sent during a live chat session.
- Average Initial Response Time - The average time for a live chat to be initially responded to by an agent.
- Average Longest Response Time - The average longest time for a live chat to be initially responded to by an agent.
- Total Abandoned Live Chats - The total number of live chats that were started by an end user but abandoned prior to being taken by, or assigned to, an agent.
- Live Chats Abandoned After Assigned - The total number of live chats that were started by an end user then abandoned after being taken by, or assigned to, and agent.
- Average Abandoned Sessions Length - The average time for sessions that were abandoned, regardless of being assigned to, or taken by, an agent.
- Total Invited Live Chats - The total number of live chat invitations sent to customers through Who's On.
- Total Accepted Live Chats - The total number of live chat invitations accepted by customers.
- Total Rejected Live Chats - The total number of live chat invitations rejected by customers.
- Total Invites Ignored - The total number of live chat invitations ignored by customers.
- Accepted Live Chats Without Response - The total number of live chat invitations to which customers accepted but did not respond.
- Accepted Live Chats With Response - The total number of live chat invitations to which customers accepted and responded.
- Agent - The specific agent.
note: Certain items may appear differently, based how items are grouped using the Group By dropdown. For example, The Live Chat Cost Breakdown summary report may show 0 Incoming Live Chat Transfers while the trend report shows a number greater than 0. This is generally due to having the Group By set to Group view versus the Agent view. Live chat transfers only happen between Agents, not Groups.
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