Community Knowledge Base

Events Overview

SmarterTrack can detect events as they occur, generate messages for those events,and deliver the messages to administrators and agents that need the information. For example, agents can receive notifications when they receive a new ticket or supervisors can be notified when a customer completes a survey. Using Events in SmarterTrack, administrators and agents don't have to query for the status of the items in the system—they just receive messages when specific events occur so they can take care of them.

There are two categories of events in SmarterTrack: agent-level events and system-level events:

  • Agent-level events are created by agents and they are specific to each agent's role and permission level within SmarterTrack. For more information on agent-level events, please see My Events.
  • System-level events can only be set by administrators and cover both agent- and system-level items such as SMTP errors, idle times and more. For more information on system-level events, please see Events.

The Events folder, which can be found in the Settings folder of the Help for Users and Administrators section, can be used for more information on creating new events and what event categories and types are available. For each event category (the feature the event is related to: Call Logs, Knowledge Base, Tickets, etc.) there is a corresponding document detailing the types, conditions and actions available. Actions can be created that include any default text you want to include, as well as any available variables. Default variables are denoted using #VARIABLE_NAME#.

note: These are different than the variables used for Email templates, which are noted using %VARIABLE_NAME%.

My Events

When clicking My Events all events that are created by an individual agent are displayed for the Agent. The following items are displayed for My Events:

  • Name - The Event's friendly name.
  • Enabled - When checked, that Event is enabled. When unchecked, the Event is disabled.
  • Category - The primary category the Event was created for. (E.g., Tickets, Call Logs, etc.)
  • Event Type - The type of Event created. (E.g., Ticket Count for Department, Task Deleted, etc.)
  • Conditions - A list of the conditions that need to be met for the Event to fire.
  • Actions (…) - A list of the actions to be taken when the Event fires.

System Administrator Events

When viewing Events as a system administrator, there is a bit more to it. First of all, system administrators can create their own events. In addition, system administrators can view any events created by agents. As such, they have different tabs: Global, which shows all events that the system administrator has created, and Employees, which displays all events that have been created by individual agents. Regardless, the following items are displayed:

  • Name - The Event's friendly name.
  • Enabled - When checked, that event is enabled. When unchecked, the event is disabled.
  • Owner - Only displayed on the Employees tab, this is the agent who created the Employee event.
  • Category - The primary category the event was created for. (E.g., Tickets, Call Logs, etc.)
  • Event Type - The type of event created. (E.g., Ticket Count for Department, Task Deleted, etc.)
  • Conditions - A list of the conditions that need to be met for the Event to fire.
  • Actions (…) - A list of the actions to be taken when the event fires.

Managing Access to Events

Although there are many useful implementations for SmarterTrack's events systems, some companies may wish to disable it. Alternatively, they may want to disable it just for agents, but leave it active for managers and/or system administrators. Using the Roles system in SmarterTrack, this is very easy to do. Therefore, to prevent agents from accessing and using the events system, the system administrator just needs to edit the proper Role permissions.

Follow these steps to disable agent access to the Events system for Agents:

  1. Log in to the SmarterTrack management interface as a System Administrator.
  2. Select Settings from the Navigator.
  3. Click Roles in the navigation pane. A list of available roles will load in the content pane.
  4. Select the desired Role (in this example, Agent) and click the Edit button. (Alternatively, you can double-click on the Role name.)
  5. The Options tab is displayed.
  6. In the Events field, select Custom from the list. This will enable the Events tab.
  7. Click the Events tab.
  8. To disable the Role from using the Events system, uncheck the Create and Edit My Events checkbox. This prevents that Role from being able to create any Events for Agents that have that Role.
  9. Click Save.

That's it: now agents are not able to create events. To disable this for managers and/or system administrators, you do the same steps except in Step 4, you'd choose the Manager or Administrator role.