Community Knowledge Base

Transferring Call Logs

On occasion, an agent may need to transfer a call log to another agent or group. For example, if a call is transferred between agents, the log will also need to be transferred so the new agent can add notes and other information.

note: The ability to transfer call logs is determined by the role permissions. By default, agents can transfer call logs. For more information, see Roles.

To transfer a call log, select the call log and click the Actions (…) menu in the content pane toolbar and click Transfer. Alternatively, you can click Transfer in the preview pane toolbar if you are viewing the call log in the preview pane. This will open a popup window with the following fields:

  • New Brand - The brand you are going to transfer the log to.
    note: This will only appear if there are multiple brands set up in SmarterTrack.
  • New Group - If the call log should be transferred to a new group, select it from this dropdown list.
  • New Agent - Select the new agent who will be assigned the call log.

Click OK to transfer the call log.