Community Knowledge Base

Viewing Call Logs

To view a call log, simply click a call log and it will display in the preview pane. If you would rather view the call log in a popup window, double-click the call log instead.

In general, the following options are available from the preview pane toolbar:

  • Edit - Allows the agent to modify the selected call log.
  • Transfer - Transfers the call log to a new brand, group and/or agent. When clicking the Transfer button, a modal window opens and you are presented with the following options:
    • New Brand - The brand you are going to transfer the log to. (If multiple Brands are set up.)
    • New Group - The new group you are going to transfer the log to.
    • New Agent - The new agent you are going to transfer the log to.
  • Add - Agents can add other items to each call log. This helps in keeping all communication in a single location and neatly organized. It should be noted that adding something like a task or ticket to a call log does NOT change the status of either item. Click this button and select the appropriate option to add a new task or time log to the call log or to add an existing item to the call log.
    • Internal Attachment - Adds an attachment from your local machine to the call log. When an agent adds an attachment to a call log, this information is stored in the Attachments tab and is only available for Agents. (They're not available to Users.)
    • Related Item - Adds an existing ticket number to the call log. When an agent adds an existing item to a call log, this information is stored in the Related Items tab.
    • New Task - Attaches a new task to the call log. When an agent adds a task to a call log, this information is stored in the Related Items tab and appears in the Tasks section of the management interface.
    • New Time Log - Attaches a new time log to the call log. When an agent adds a time log to a call log, this information is stored in the Related Items tab.
    • New Ticket - Adding a ticket to a call log actually enables and agent to start a ticket for the customer based on their call. This is helpful for those issues where follow up is required for the customer or to transition customers from a phone call to a more cost-effective method of communicating.
  • Delete - Deletes the call log. For more information on deleted call logs, see Deleting Call Logs
  • Pop-out - Allows the agent to open the call log in a pop-out window.
  • Actions (...)
    • Print - Allows the agent to print the information contained in the description and details tabs of the task.
      note: If viewing the management interface from a mobile device, this option may not be available.
    • Assistance - Allows an agent to view relevant knowledge base articles based on the contents of the call log. These articles can then be used to help resolve customer issues.
    • Manual Event - Selecting this opens a modal window. If any manual events are created for call logs, they are displayed here and available for use.

Tabs within a Call Log

Call log information is organized within the following tabs. (NOTE: A tab is only displayed for a call log if there is an item associated with that tab. For example, if there are no attachments for a call log, the Attachments tab is not displayed.)

  • Attachments - This tab includes details about any files that are attached to the call, including who attached it, a link to the file, the file size and more.
  • Time Logs - This tab includes any time logs attached to the call, including full details such as the time log category, duration and description.
  • Related Items - This tab lists any related tickets that are attached to the current call log. Details include the ticket subject, a link to open the ticket in a new window, any attachments to the ticket and more.
  • Custom Fields - This tab includes any custom fields the administrator created to help customize your company's call logs. This information can be populated by a user, an agent, or a third-party application (via the administrator).
  • History - This tab displays information about the log, including when it was opened, the user who opened it and more.

In addition, agents can see how long they are working on the call by viewing the "Time on page" at the bottom of the call log window. This timer starts at 0h 0m 0s and continues counting until the agent navigates to another page. This is especially convenient for agents that need to complete time logs.