Community Knowledge Base

Viewing Knowledge Base Articles

To view a knowledge base article, simply click an article and it will display in the preview pane. If you would rather view the article in a popup window, double-click the article instead.

In general, the following options are available from the preview pane toolbar:

  • Edit - Edits the selected article.
  • Clone - Creates a new article that is based on the article being cloned. This includes all content of the article as well as its general settings (Brand, Language).
  • View in Portal - Loads the selected knowledge base article in the portal. Viewing the article in the portal allows agents to see the layout of the article as portal visitors will see it.
  • Transfer - Transfers the ticket to a new agent.
  • Add - Click this button and select the appropriate option to add a comment or rating to an article.
  • Delete - Deletes the selected article. For more information, see Deleting Knowledge Base Articles.
  • Actions (…) - If any manual events are available on knowledge base articles, they will appear in this menu.

Tabs within an Article

Article information is organized within the following tabs:

  • Content - The text of the knowledge base article.
  • Feedback - The feedback left by readers of the article.
  • Broken Links - This lists any links contained within the article that are "broken". That is, any links that return errors when they're clicked on, such as a 404 or "Not Found" error.

    note: This tab will only appear if there are items to display.

  • Translations - The linked translations of the article.
  • Statistics - Lists a number of statistics for the article, including user and spider visits across various timeframes.

Viewing Articles by Status

Occasionally, agents and administrators may want to view all articles that are marked as drafts or that need reviewed. To view articles by status, simply select he desired status, such as Drafts, Review or Stale, from the navigation pane. All articles with the selected status will load in the content pane.

Viewing Articles by Brand

To view articles by brand, select the Brand dropdown above the navigation pane and select the desired brand. All articles assigned to the selected brand will load in the content pane.

Viewing Deleted Articles

Deleted articles can be found using Advanced Search. Here, you can search only deleted items based on a few keywords and potentially find the deleted article.