Community Reports
To access community reports, click the reports icon. Then expand Trend Reports and then Community. The following canned reply reports are available.
note: For information on the options available for each report listed, see the Reports Overview.
- Employee Activity Overview - Shows the number of Community posts, Threads and answers given by employees during a set time period.
- User Activity Overview - Shows the number of Community posts, Threads and answers given by Users during a set time period.
Depending on the report selected, the following report items are available:
- # - The "rank" of the specific Employee or User.
- Employee/User - The name of the Employee or User.
- Thread Posts - The number of Thread Posts created, either by Employees or Users.
- Threads Created - The number of new Threads created, either by Employees or Users.
- Posts Marked as Answer - The number of posts that were marked as the Answer to a question, either by Employees or Users.
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