Community Knowledge Base

Creating New Organizations

Multiple users can be grouped together into an Organization that displays all of the tickets, live chats, call logs and surveys associated with its users. This is convenient for when more than one person is in contact with your company. For example, two users may be working together to complete a purchase. One of them will decide which product is needed; the other will complete the purchase. When the purchaser calls in to make complete the transaction, rather than searching through all tickets, live chats and calls, the agent can simply look at their Organization to see their collaborative wants and needs.

To create a new organization, log into SmarterTrack as an agent and click New in the Navigator, then select Organization from the dropdown. The new organization pop up will open in a new window, and the following tabs will be available:


  • Organization Name - The name of the organization.
  • Website - The organization's company website.
  • Phone Number - The organization's phone number.
  • # of Employees - A range for the number of employees for the organization.
  • Address 1 - The physical street address of the organization, such as 123 W. Main.
  • Address 2 - Additional address information such as suite number, floor, etc.
  • City - The organization's city.
  • State/Province - The state or province for the organization.
  • Zip/Postal Code - The zip code or postal code for the organization.
  • Country - The country where the organization is located.


The Members tab on an organization displays the parameters used to associate users with the organization. To add a new parameter, click the Members button at the top of the preview pane, then choose Add from the dropdown. A new window opens. There are 4 filter types for adding members to an organization:

  • Email Address - Used to add specific users into the organization by typing in their full email address. This is best used when you want to limit an Organization to only specific members.
  • Username - Used to add specific users into the organization by typing in their specific username(s). As with Email Address, this is best used to limit an Organization to specific members.
  • Domain Name - Used to add any users whose email address includes a specific domain name. To add any matching users, choose this filter type and enter the domain name (e.g., This is best used to capture any and all tickets, live chats, call logs and surveys submitted by any member of a specific domain.
  • Phone Number - Used to add any users that have a matching phone number in their profile. To add any matching users, choose this filter type and enter the phone number.

You can add more than 1 parameter for any organization, like using domain name and then adding in specific email addresses for people who use addresses that are separate from the domain name entered. (E.g., contractors who are associated to a company.) Once your parameters are all complete, be sure to save the organization.

View Organization Tickets in Portal

Certain members can be granted permission to view all tickets that are associated with the organization. When a member is added by Username, Email Address or Domain, the setting, "View Organization Tickets in Portal", can be enabled. When this option is selected, the users will find an Organization tab on the Tickets page when they are logged in at the Portal.

Note: When a member that's added by Domain or Email Address is granted "View Organization Tickets in Portal" permissions, only the users who have the Registered User with Verified Email role will be able to view the organization's tickets at the Portal. For example, imagine I added a new member by Domain:, and I enabled permission to view the organization's tickets. Only the user accounts that contain an email address matching that domain and that have the Registered User with Verified Email role will be able to view the tickets submitted by all other members of the organization. However, when I add a member by Username and enable permission to view the organization's tickets, that user can view organization tickets, regardless of their verification status. Members added by phone number cannot be granted permission for viewing organization tickets.


Use the Add button to add internal comments that can only be viewed by other agents. If a comment has been added about the Organization, it will appear here. In addition, a number appears showing how many comments have been made about the Organization. If there is no number, then the Organization doesn't have any comments.

When an organization has been created, tickets, live chats, call logs and surveys associated to each member are pulled in and organized within the following tabs:


This tab lists the tickets that are associated with members of the Organization. The following logic applies to each member type:

  • Members by Username - Display tickets that are associated with that user's account.
  • Members by Email Address - Displays tickets where the member's email address is contained in the ticket's primary list of email addresses (the email addresses in the ticket header). Note that this only checks the email address for the ticket; it does not check the email address for any related user accounts.
  • Members by Domain - Displays tickets where the member's domain is included in the ticket's primary list of email addresses (the email addresses in the ticket header).
    note: that this only checks the email address for the ticket; it does not check the email address for any related user accounts.
  • Members by Phone Number - Displays any tickets associated with a user account that contains the member's phone number.

Live Chats

This tab lists the live chats that are associated with members of the Organization. The following logic applies to each member type:

  • Members by Username - Displays chats that are associated with the username's Used ID.
  • Members by Email Address - Displays chats where the member's email address matches the email address of the chat. Note that this only checks the email address of the chat; it does not check the email address for any related user accounts.
  • Members by Domain - Displays chats where the domain of the user's email address matches the member's domain. Note that this only checks the email address for the chat; it does not check the email address for any related user accounts.
  • Members by Phone Number - Displays chats where the account for the user (if any) has the member's phone number.

Call Logs

This tab lists the call logs that are associated with members of the Organization. The following logic applies to each member type:

  • Members by Username - Displays call logs where the email address matches the email address for the member's account.
  • Members by Email Address - Displays call logs where the email address matches the email address for the member's account.
  • Members by Domain - Displays call Logs where the domain of the email address matches the member's domain.
  • Members by Phone Number - Displays call Logs where the phone number matches the member's number.


This tab lists the surveys that are associated with members of the Organization. The following logic applies to each member type:

  • Members by Username - Displays surveys where the user ID that the survey was sent to matches the member's user account.
  • Members by Email Address - Displays surveys where the email address that the survey was sent to matches the member's email address.
  • Members by Domain - Displays surveys where the domain of the email address that the survey was sent to matches the member domain.
  • Members by Phone Number - Displays surveys sent to a user who has a phone number that matches the member's number.