Community Knowledge Base

Language and Locale

Administrators will use this section to adjust any language and locale settings, including time zone, location, support for multiple languages and translatable strings.

To access this section, log into the management interface with an administrator account. Select Settings in the Navigator, then click Language and Locale in the navigation pane. The settings will load in the content pane and the following tabs will be available:


Use this tab to edit the following settings:

  • Locale for Currency - To specify the format in which currency is displayed for cost calculation reports, select the appropriate option from the list. By default, the locale is set to English (United States) ($1,000.00).
  • Default Time Zone - From the list, select the time zone SmarterTrack will use as the default. More often than not, this time zone should match your current location. However, it can be adjusted to account for offices in other geographic locations.

Supported Languages

SmarterTrack offers support for nearly 60 different languages, making it easy to communicate with customers on a global level. While adding support for multiple languages for the SmarterTrack interface is a relatively simple process, ensuring all of the supported languages are utilized across custom content, like knowledge base articles, can be a bit more complex as you need to ensure you have articles translated into the languages you want to support. In addition, while SmarterTrack offers translation files for some languages, custom language support may require a customized translation file.

The following columns are available in the content pane:

  • Checkbox - Use these boxes to select multiple languages. Languages must be selected before choosing an action from the toolbar.
  • Language - The language name and dialect, if available.
  • Locale - The language and the geographic location in which the language or dialect is used.
  • Default - Indicates if the selected language is the default language.
  • Enabled - Indicates whether support for the selected language has been enabled.
  • Language Pack Installed - Indicates whether the language pack has been installed into SmarterTrack.

The following options are available from the content pane toolbar:

  • New - Allows the administrator to designate a new supported language.
  • Edit - Allows the administrator to make changes to a supported language's settings.
  • Delete - Permanently deletes the selected supported language(s).

To edit the settings for a specific language, simply double-click the language. The supported language details will load in the content window.

Translatable Strings

Some phrases and words may not be available for translation through a specific language pack. When this happens, administrators can use translatable strings to define these phrases and words. For example, a U.S. company with customers in Spain may create a translatable string to translate the company's department names (Billing, Sales, etc.) into Spanish (Ventas, Facturacion, etc.)

The following columns are displayed when translatable strings have been added:

  • Token Name - The identifier for the translatable string. Note: Token names must begin and end with @@.
  • Description - A summary describing the purpose of the translatable string.
  • Status - Denotes whether the token is fully translated for all supported languages, or partially translated if a language is missing.

To edit the settings for a specific translatable string, select the token and click the Edit button, or simply double-click the translatable string. To add a new string, click the New button. A modal window will display the following options:

  • Token Name - The identifier for the translatable string.
  • Description - A summary describing the purpose of the translatable string.
  • For each supported language that is configured, a field will be available for translation.