Online Meeting File Uploads
This feature is only available in SmarterMail Enterprise. |
Part of having a collaborative meeting is the ability to upload and share files. The online meeting organizer has the ability to set the file upload permissions for the meetings they set up. They can allow anyone to upload files, only allow authorized users (people who log in) to upload, or limit file uploads to just themselves. However, anyone who participates in the meeting can download any files that are shared. NOTE: Management for files uploaded during an online meeting belongs solely to the meeting organizer, regardless of who has the ability TO upload files. This is to ensure that all files are preserved as part of the meeting, at the organizer's discretion. Therefore, the disk space used for uploads also counts towards the total disk space of the organizer.
Setting File Upload Permissions
The meeting organizer has the ability to set permissions for the types of attendees that can upload shared files. This is done in the meeting's Settings area on the Details card. There is a File upload permissions dropdown that includes the following permissions:
- Organizer Only - The only person who can upload files to an online meeting is the user who set up the meeting in the first place.
- Authenticated Users - Attendees who log into the online meeting are able to upload files; guests can not upload.
- Everyone - All attendees are able to upload files as needed.
Uploading and Sharing Files
Once permissions are set, it's time to upload and share some files. A few quick things to note:
- Just as with the File Storage area, whenever possible a thumbnail of the file will be displayed. If a thumbnail can't be displayed, then an icon representing the file type will be displayed.
- Shared files will show the file name and the file size on their respective cards.
- Clicking on the Actions (⋮) icon allows for the download and/or deletion of individual file.
As for actually uploading files, there are a few ways to do this:
- Drag and Drop - You can drag and drop files directly into the list and they will be uploaded and displayed in the Files area. Files uploaded to chat will display a download link in the chat, just as they do in a regular Live Chat, but they'll show up in the Files area as well.
- Upload Button - You can also use the Upload button in the Files area or the paperclip icon in the Chat area to upload files. Regardless of which option you use, your File Explorer (or similar) opens, allowing you to choose a file to upload.

Downloading or Deleting Shared Files
Each file that's shared in an online meeting has its own card. Each card, in turn, has an Actions (⋮) option in the upper, right corner. Clicking on that gives a participant the ability to download that particular file. In addition, a participant can delete the file, should they choose to.