Community Knowledge Base

Reports Overview

Using SmarterMail's extensive reporting engine and routinely generating and evaluating reports provides users, domain administrators and system administrators with the information they need to uncover issues before they become problems, discover and evaluate trends, identify the need for policy adjustment and much more.


Users have access to a variety of reports that are directly related to their use of SmarterMail. These include disk usage reports that break out the disk space used by both email (by folder) as well as file storage (which includes the space used by files shared through group chat and online meetings) in addition to a variety of traffic reports, such as incoming and outgoing messages and more.

There is also a dashboard available to users that gives a quick overview of their overall mailbox which includes their incoming and outgoing messages, a breakdown of overall disk usage, and spam counts and viruses caught.

User Reports Overview

Domain Administrators

Domain administrators have access to all standard user reports in addition to reports that deal directly with the domain they are managing. For example, they can access trend reports relating to domain traffic as well as spam and virus reports. In addition, domain administrators can change a report's "Mode" to drill to into user statistics.

There is also a dashboard available to domain administrators that gives a quick overview of the domain usage as a whole. This includes the total incoming and outgoing messages, message bandwidth, a breakdown of overall disk usage, spam counts and viruses caught, and much more.

Domain Admin Reports Overview

System Administrators

Finally, system administrators have access to a number of system-wide reports that give a detailed overview, as well as minute detail, about how the server itself is performing. For example, drive usage and average read/write statistics, memory usage, drive statistics and other server health items. In addition, system administrators can drill down into trend reports to view domain usage reports, then drill down further and view statistics down to the individual user level. System administrators also have access to detailed security reports such as abuse detection reports and information on blacklisted/whitelisted domains.

There is also a dashboard available to system administrators that gives a quick overview of how the server is running as a whole. This includes the uptime for the mail service, CPU and memory usage, drive statistics and much more.

System Admin Reports Overview