Community Knowledge Base

Automation with Web Services

SmarterMail was built with custom configuration in mind. In addition to being able to customize the look and feel of SmarterMail, developers and/or system administrators have the ability to code to the SmarterMail application using its extensive and comprehensive APIs. Virtually every aspect of SmarterMail is exposed via web services, allowing developers and/or system administrators to automate a variety of different things: add domains to SmarterMail on the fly, grab domain-specific bandwidth usage for billing purposes, set details on a specific domain or server, update domain information, and more.

NOTE: The current API is JSON-based. Previous iterations of the API used SOAP calls. As such, any discussion of the "SmarterMail API" will refer to the current version and not the legacy version of the API. Code samples are based on the current API as well. In addition, current/new functionality built into SmarterMail will not have any legacy API calls as that functionality is not available in older/previous/legacy versions of SmarterMail.

For the most up-to-date API information, including all calls and examples, system administrators should navigate to their Settings, then click API Documentation in the navigation pane. This will open the current API documentation in its own window. It's also possible to view the SmarterMail documentation for the SmarterTools installation, which is always up-to-date: SmarterTools Web Services documentation.

Web services are intended for use by high-volume and automated business environments as well as hosting companies and ISPs as they develop procedures to manage their SmarterMail system and workflow. It's assumed that a basic understanding of Web service technologies and ASP.NET programming when working with our APIs.

Important Note: SmarterMail will occasionally update our API documentation as well as deprecate calls as they become outdated or are no longer used. However, legacy calls for legacy products are not updated. The API documentation is included with each update released by SmarterTools, and is also reflected in the link to the API documentation included above. API documentation for any legacy products is not, and can not be, supported.