OnlyOffice Online
OnlyOffice is a complete office suite that gives users the ability to view, edit, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentation decks. The online version is integrated with SmarterMail's File Storage area, so SmarterMail users can edit files currently stored in File Storage, or even create new files and have thme stored automatically. Best of all, it's included for free and does not require users to have an OnlyOffice account or a subscription to OnlyOffice!
Creating New OnlyOffice Files
Creating a new file using OnlyOffice is extremely simple: just use the New button and select the type of file you want to create:
Once you've made your choice, the New Document modal will open, allowing you to name your file, select (or change) the type of file you want to create, and then select where you want the new file to be stored. Once done, click the Save button and the new file is created, and a new browser tab opens so you can begin editing your new file.
Based on OnlyOffice's configuration it's only possible to have a maximum of 20 "sessions" open at one time per OnlyOffice document server.
Editing Existing Files
Editing an existing file is just as easy. Simply click the Actions (⋮) button on any text file, document, spreadsheet, or presentation, and select Edit with OnlyOffice from the menu options.
The OnlyOffice Online editor will open in a new browser tab, and you can edit to your heart's content.
Worth Noting
There are a few things worth noting regarding the integration of OnlyOffice:
- OnlyOffice sessions are limited to 20 per OnlyOffice document server. That means 20 files (documents, presentations, or spreadsheets) open at a time, domain-wide. That could be one user with 20 different files open, 20 people with one file each, or any variation that numbers 20 open files/sessions.
- Speaking of sessions, system administrators have the ability to set the maximum number of sessions any one user can have open at a time. They can limit it to anywhere from one (1) session to an "unlimited" number of sessions.
- OnlyOffice has an automated save and timeout feature that cannot be controlled by SmarterMail. By default, if a file is open in a tab for more than 60 minutes, without any session activity, it will automatically save and the session will time out.
- If SmarterMail goes down when a file is open, the file will appear in File Storage with a warning icon on it. When you open the file, you're presented with some recovery options. (Recover document and overwrite, rename and recover document, Download, or Delete the recovered copy.)