Notes Overview
SmarterMail's Notes feature provides users with the electronic equivalent of paper sticky notes. Use notes to jot down questions, ideas, reminders or anything else you would write on note paper. This feature is especially convenient when used to save bits of information you may need later, such as directions or text you want to reuse in other items or documents.
By default, the default Notes source is displayed when you access the Notes area. If other note sources are being shared with you, they will appear beneath My Notes once they've been mapped. (see Mapped Resources for more information on sharing resources.) Making multiple notes sources visible will display all of the notes, from each source, together in the notes view. You can then view or hide notes sources to either limit or expand the number of notes you're viewing.
Navigating Your Notes
When you view your notes for the first time, chances are you won't have any to display. This may not be true if you've migrated to SmarterMail from another email platform or service. Regardless, the layout of notes is the same whether you have migrated or not. To view or hide different notes folders lists, such as the default folder, shared folders, or mapped resources, simply click the eye icon to the right of the folder name.
In general, the Notes page is divided into two sections:
- The folders view displays all of your note folders. These are how your notes are organized. These folders include the default "Notes" folder, which are notes you add or migrate over to SmarterMail, and any folders that contain shared notes.
- The content pane. Here you'll see individual cards that represent every note you have displayed or, when in grid view, a list of your notes and their details displayed as rows and columns.
Notes Views
There are two ways to view notes, and these views are managed using the "Card/Grid View" button at the top of the content pane:
- Card View - This displays each note as its own card, and displays some details about the notes like their subject, details, and source.
- Grid View - This displays each note in a text grid and displays details as columns, such as Subject, Date Modified, Color, etc.
Viewing Notes
When you view your notes in Card View, each note you have created or that's being shared with you will be listed on a separate card. Each card lists the following information:
- Subject - The note's descriptive title. E.g., "Shopping List" or "Motivational Sayings"
- Color Indicator - If the Note was assigned a color, the line under the Subject will reflect the color assigned.
- Date / Time - The day, date, and time the Note was last edited.
- Description - The contents of the note. Using the HTML editor, a note's contents can include bold text, lists, different fonts or fonts with different colors, include pictures, links to websites or videos and more. You can be as creative as you like.
- Source - This tells you where the note came from, or, in cases where notes are shared with others, where you want the note saved. E.g., Notes or "Marketing Notes".
- Categories - If one or more Categories were assigned to a Note, the corresponding tag(s) display(s) on the same line as the Source.
- Attachments - If one or more Attachments were added to a Note, a paperclip displays on the same line as the Source.
In addition, when using Card View, several options are available for interacting with notes:
- Select - Clicking the down arrow presents you with the following options:
- Select All - Selects all notes in Grid View.
- Deselect All - Deselects the selected note(s).
- Enable Select Mode - This allows users to select multiple different notes, individually, one at a time. Use this method for selecting different notes that are separated or scattered throughout your list so they can be exported, deleted, or otherwise handled the same.
- Sort - Sorts notes by Date Modified, Color, or Subject in ascending or descending order.
- Filter - This gives you the ability to display notes based on whether they have attachments, or the category(-ies) that are assigned.
- Actions (⋮)
- Import - Allows you to import notes from another email system into SmarterMail.
- Export all to CSV - Exports all of your notes in CSV format.
- Delete - Deletes the selected note(s).
When viewing notes in Grid View, the following information is listed:
- Subject - The note's descriptive title. E.g., "Shopping List" or "Motivational Sayings"
- Date Modified - The date and time the note was initially created, or last edited.
- Color - The color assigned to the note.
- Categories - The color label for the category (-ies) assigned to the Note.
- Attachments - A checkmark indicates there's an attachment for the Note.
- Source - The folder the note resides in, such as the default "Notes" folder.
In addition, when using Grid View, several options are available for interacting with notes:
- Delete - Deletes the selected note(s).
- Filter - This gives you the ability to display notes based on the category(-ies) that are assigned.
- Actions (⋮)
- Import - Allows you to import notes from another email system into SmarterMail.
- Export all to CSV - Exports all of your notes in CSV format.
Sharing Notes
SmarterMail gives users the ability to share multiple things within their account. More information on sharing, and how to share items, can be found on the Sharing Overview page of this help documentation.