SmarterMail Help
Welcome to the SmarterMail Online Help System.
The tree menu on the left offers links to various pages that can help guide you through a better understanding of what SmarterMail is and how it works. This documentation is also broken down by role, and has pages that correspond to sections within the SmarterMail web client. Reviewing these pages will help you use SmarterMail more effectively, and each page is linked from within SmarterMail itself: either by clicking on any ? icons on modal windows, or using the "Online Help" link that appears when you click on your avatar. Whichever method you use, you'll be taken to the page in help that directly corresponds to the page you're on.
At the top of each help page, there are links that will allow you to do various things: visit the SmarterTools Community, browse the knowledge base, search through the help documentation, print the page you're on, translate the page you're on, or view the entire help as a PDF file.
If you need assistance beyond what's available in this documentation, feel free to contact customer service. We also offer paid support options, or you can visit the self-help options available from our portal: the knowledge base and the SmarterTools Community.
Common Help Topics for Users
Common Help Topics for Domain Administrators
- Adding new users
- Adding email aliases
- Add shared resources (shared calendars, conference rooms, etc.)
- Configuring spam filtering
- Marketplace for Domain Administrators
Common Help Topics for System Administrators
- Adding new domains
- DNS configuration for a mail server
- Locking down your server
- Sending your first email to test your setup
- Marketplace for System Administrators